On behalf of Placemaking Nepal, a self-organized collective of Placemakers (architects, urban designers, planners, researchers and bloggers, geographers, heritage conservationists, artists, public space activists, social workers) dedicated to creating meaningful places for memorable experiences, we would like to invite you to participate at our first International Webinar – “Places People Love”.
We are bringing world-class thought leaders from around the globe at the Event to share their unique experiences and valuable knowledge and expose our audience members to a rich texture of viewpoints from differing professional areas to foster learning.
During the exciting plenaries, our speakers will share their insights on pressing urban topics focused on how we can better design, shape and manage our public spaces to ensure livability, sustainability and vitality and provide the best living conditions for People.
Please join us!
Plenary Session 1 Panelists
Executive Director, PlacemakingX
Child Friendly Cities
Restoring Nature in Cities
Streets and Social like in Cities
Heritage Homeowner led Preservation and Placemaking
After COVID City
Plenary Session 2 Panelists
Heritage and Organic Placemaking- Celebrating the Past
Bridging Divides- EnGENDERing Public Spaces
Urban Prototyping
Participatory Design and Tactical Urbanism
Creating Places that people Love